When I was a Little Girl

My mother loves to tell the laundromat story. I have heard it so many times, yet it always brings a smile to my face and seems to warm my heart. I hope you enjoy it.

One afternoon my mother and I made the dreaded Saturday trip to do the laundry…(now there’s some heavy energy)

In the parking lot there was a van with a bumper sticker that read “have you hugged your child today?” I read it out loud to my mother and told her how much I liked it. 

As we entered I noticed a woman who was yelling at her little boy. The more she yelled, the more he yelled. I remember thinking that maybe if she used a voice that was kinder he might not be so upset. ( I think I was about ten or so) This exchange began to really upset me. I recall feeling worried with a deep desire to help them.

With a child like innocence I walked over to the lady and asked her if she had read the bumper sticker on the van in the parking lot.  My ten-year old logic felt  that if  she did it might make her feel better.  Her response was not what I had planned. “Well little smarty pants, that is my van so yes I have read the bumper sticker, (followed by) hey lady, you need to teach your kid to mind her own business!!!” My mother was mortified.

The outcome however was perfect…She picked up her little boy and looked down at me and said “come on honey, some people just don’t know how to mind their own business.”

I remember feeling thrilled and even  courageous, like I had really helped someone. I loved that little boy who I had never met.  My mother had a bit of a different take. “If she comes back here , we are leaving.” If you knew my mother you would be laughing so hard right now…

I wrote a quote for Inspirational Texting and reading it today is what reminded me of this story.

“We have to be the voice of all children until they can speak for themselves.”

As an adult, I love that little ten-year old girl who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she intuitively knew was the right thing to do. I hope she always stays with me, always.

Love, Kate

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